
All posts tagged arts

Farewell speeches

Published June 13, 2012 by ciarrasurvivingibart

Yesterday we said our farewell speeches to the class. Our teacher made her own speech where she mentioned every one in the class. Her comment about me was that I always showed my art in my work and that she hoped I’d use my talents in high school. I know I will. Many people only go into art class because of the easy credits, but I’m just passionate about it. I know that the art room will end up being my favorite room in the whole school. I’ve seen the people and the work on display and it makes me think of the Art Gallery. I know that I’ll try nothing but my hardest in and out of school.

For the first time I feel sad about leaving my middle school. So far, these have been the best two years of my education. I’ve never had such great friends and teachers. And although I’m ready for high school, although I’m ready for summer, I know now that I’ll never forget my grade eight class and the family we became.

Now I have some art from deviantART. Click on the photo for a link.

Acrylic Paint…

Published May 23, 2012 by ciarrasurvivingibart

Acrylic paint has never been my forte. It’s not that I can’t use it, it’s just that I’m not strong with it. The paint has always been a little bit intimidating to me to tell the truth. I know, paint? Intimidating? But I have a reputation for all my creations turning out well. Frankly, I’m pretty confident in my abilities… until a new medium comes in. So I was rather surprised by my choice in my May Art Media. This is a project we do every month in art class where we try out new media. It’s my last Art Media I’ll ever do in middle school, possibly ever. I wanted to end it with a bang. Normally an art media is set on a page in our art books, but I took a canvas and my mother’s brushes. I found a picture of an eye (I LOVE drawing eyes) and sketched it on the surface. Then I started painting. I used six colours, yellow, red, burnt umber, magenta, black and white. When I finished it yesterday it wasn’t perfect, I felt like it was rather amateur looking. But my brother did ask if he could pretend it was his, so I guess that’s a good sign.

I learned something from this Art Media. All my others turned out excellent because I played it safe. This one turned out amazing because I took a chance. I think that’s the point to tell you the truth. Try something new and don’t worry, because it will never be the masterpiece you wanted on your first try.

Anyhoo, I’ll post a picture of this and some of my other Art Medias, I just need to convince my sister that I won’t get paint on her camera.

Use Your Pencil…

Published April 18, 2012 by ciarrasurvivingibart

Lots of people don’t enjoy using a pencil to make a realistic drawing because it’s boring. But making a realistic drawing is a great way to develop hand eye coordination. Other aspects could really benefit from these drawings. Patience is one of them. So pick up a pencil and start drawing something! You won’t be good at first but no one ever is, keep going! Anyone can do it with enough practice.